Clear Braces

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teen patient invisalign newmarket

A Discreet Alternative to Traditional Metal Braces

Clear braces are sometimes known as ceramic braces, tooth-colored braces, or aesthetic braces. They’ve proven to be a popular alternative as they work in a very similar way to traditional metal braces.

The clear braces we use at Miller Orthodontics are designed to blend with your teeth, making them considerably less noticeable than their metal counterparts.

The brackets we use today are considerably smaller than in the past and are nearly invisible, thanks to the tooth-colored polycrystalline ceramic material they’re made with.

Adult Braces

About Clear Braces

Our ceramic braces were designed with the aim of blending in with your smile.

Clear braces may not be totally invisible, but the brackets come in a similar shape and size, and these ceramic braces are considerably more discreet than their traditional metal counterparts.

Straighten Your Smile Discreetly Using Clear Braces

If you’re an esthetically-minded adult or teen, this is a route you might want to give some consideration.

Clear braces make for the perfect aesthetic treatment alternative for those looking to avoid the hassle and responsibility that comes along with wearing Invisalign® or similar clear aligner treatments.

While most of our patients using clear braces have chosen them due to how discreet they are, some teens and adults using them still like to use colored ligature ties.

Doing so gives these clear braces a bright, nearly neon-looking appearance. The colors can really pop when combined with the clear, ceramic brackets. It creates a very unique look that most have never seen.

teen happy Invisalign newmarket

Differences Between Ceramic & Metal Braces

At Miller Orthodontics the clear braces that we use perform in exactly the same way as our traditional metal braces. In our experienced hands, treatment with both methods are equally successful, as they both operate on the same basic principles.

Unlike ceramic braces of the past or certain less costly types of ceramic braces, the ones we use (Clarity brackets from 3M) are extremely strong, and do not have a significantly higher chance of chipping or breaking than our metal braces. Because they are so strong, we generally prefer to use them only for the upper teeth in cases where the top teeth overlap the bottom teeth significantly (deep bites). This is to avoid the chance for the top teeth to bite into the bottom braces, which because of the very hard materials the ceramic braces are made from could lead to chipping or wearing of the upper teeth. We able to put them on the lower teeth too in most cases, but the majority of our patients choose to have them just in the upper with metal braces in the lower as we really only tend to show the upper teeth when we smile and the upper lip elevates. When you come in for your initial complementary examination, we can help you to select the option that is best for you!

If you’re worried about your clear braces becoming stained, you can rest at ease knowing that hasn’t been an issue in several years.

Your ceramic braces aren’t prone to staining, but the clear elastic ties used in your treatment which get changed at least every two months could be prone to some staining after a little while in your mouth. Over time, this can look as though it has been discolored or stained.

In order to lessen the likelihood of staining, a patient could work to avoid coffee, red wine, tomatoes, tea, mustard, etc.

Don’t worry, this isn’t a mandatory recommendation because our team will be changing your elastics each time you visit our office for an adjustment.

As long as you maintain a strong oral hygiene plan, including brushing and flossing, you shouldn’t have to worry about giving up your daily coffee in the morning, or a glass of wine in the evening.